a place for anthropology and making in the world

The Collective

otis curator makers

Victoria Baskin Coffey

I am a visual anthropologist with an enduring interest in the ways that images make the world.

Jennifer Deger

Sometimes things, people and ideas come together so that the world shifts slightly, galvanised anew. I’m an anthropologist in search of such moments.

Sebastian J. Lowe

I am a musical anthropologist from Aotearoa New Zealand entangled in sound worlds, community anthropology, filmmaking and collaborative ‘mahi tahi’ ethics.

otis makers

Ruby Solly

(Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha)

Ruby Solly is a taonga puoro practitioner, writer, musician and music therapist living in Pōneke.

Felipe Roa

I’m a Chilean filmmaker and anthropologist based in Denmark. As a maker, I often portray small stories that are capable of evoking universal concerns.

Simon Eastwood

Composer Simon Eastwood uses call-and-response collaborations with artists from a range of backgrounds to explore the communal nature of creativity.

Nellie Peoples

Maker of cherished objects that act as aides de mémoires. At the core of my practice is the exploration of the connections made between objects and people.

Fiona Wirrer-George Oochunyung

(Wik & Wikway Nations of Western Cape York)

Writer / Author / Choreographer / Performer.
Doctorate in Philosophy: Voice Speak: A Response to the Call of Lineage. A Living Epistemology.

Sarah Pini

I’m an interdisciplinary scholar and artist weaving together the fields of anthropology, phenomenology, dance, performance and cognitive science.

Jasmin Günther

I am a cultural anthropologist fascinated with hands that create and things that move. | mainly work with museum objects and Oceanic arts/artefacts”.

Hannah Rose Robinson

I am an image-maker hoping that my frame will hold a fragment of the energy found in something felt, something lived, & something loved.

Saskia Lillepuu

I drop snowballs off hills and see them expand and take on a path and substance of their own. I might be a catalyst, the one who nudges, the one who listens. A curator.

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